Yesterday I was finally able to meet this little lady, here are a few photos, as promised :)
Little Miss Reese is, from what I could tell, an angel. She is such a good baby. Ashley told me that she hardly cries & is just so sweet. After my visit yesterday, I totally agree. She is so tiny (but a big baby, especially for tiny Ash) and I loved holding her little body! Ashley is doing great, she looked GORGEOUS! I was going to take a pic with her too, but she was just too worn out. Just know she didn't even look like she had just gone through 12 hours of labor- she looked beautiful.
Look at her cute little lips! I want to hold her again!
I stood & rocked Reese while Ash told me about her labor. I have SO MUCH RESPECT for mothers! I mean, come on. I have heard many, many labor stories (I have 15 nieces & nephews, plus friends who have babies)--but I never get tired of hearing them. Ashley's was different from the others & I was in awe while she was telling me. The best part was, she broke it down to me with all the facts--hid nothing. Which I appreciate! There are so many things people don't tell you about it, I learn new things all the time that shock me, and often times scare me! :)
Ash you are seriously amazing! I expect you to come & help me when I have mine! I can't wait to spend more time with you & Reese, and of course BABYSIT!
yes, you heard me when I have mine! No I am not pregnant...but will be someday. But I'll answer the question I know you are thinking....YES, this TOTALLY made me want to have a baby even more!
congrats ashy & j. i love your little girl already!