A boy once said that to me in Jr High, actually, he shouted it...but that's beside the point. Sometimes dreams DO in fact, come true.
Rewind one year ago today. I was on my couch, drugged, most likely texting something crazy to one of you, and still under the delusion that I would be recovered in 6 to 8 weeks.
I also thought I'd be flying to NYC to live a lifelong dream of going to Fashion Week. (insert heart breaking sound here) And I thought I'd be healthy enough to run the Ragnar Relay, a race I'd been dying to run, that coming April. (insert you-really-thought-that?! here). ...I was oh so very wrong to believe these things would happen so soon after my surgery.
Thanks to the good graces and gosh-darn-good-freaking-lucky-life of my brother Ammon I will be attending Fashion Week in just two short weeks! Will I cry? Possibly...Will I pee my pants because I'm so excited? Wouldn't surprise me...Will I be so cold I will want to die? Definitely.
New York, I love you. I can't wait to be together again. I'm just so excited!!
As for the Ragnar Relay...well, I wouldn't go as far as calling it a dream...more like something I really wanted to do....hmmm, for lack of a better word let's just call it a goal. I have signed up with a team of ladies here in SoCal to run this crazy 180mile relay race this coming April. I am TERRIFIED!! I am excited too. I can barely run a mile, obviously I have got some major work to do.
I am so happy to feel like I'm finally going to DO IT!
I am so happy to feel like I'm finally going to DO IT!
So....Here I am, a year later, in the same place but with a totally different view.
(and hopefully a totally different outcome!)