Thursday, March 26, 2009

Congratulations Ammon!

Some of you may have heard me brag about my siblings, that's because I am one proud sister! They are just amazing. Very creative, fun, successful people. I just wanted to share some fun news about one of my older brothers, Ammon.

Here he is with some of his fellow stylists:
(center of the photo, with all black shirt & tie)
Today Ammon signed a contract with Matrix making him their new creative directors/spokesperson for their line "Vavoom"! WHAT A STUD!! So keep an eye out in your local salons & magazines for Vavoom ad's & see what a stud he is!
C O N G R A T S A M M S!

Also, he is going to HATE me for posting this link: here
(He works at the Matrix Global Academy in Manhattan, and had to do this video to promote it, isn't he so cute?)


lauren said...

YAY Ammon! congrats! Mari, I am not sure all of us are that talented/creative/successful....:)

manhattan crew said... are too much.
Thank you for taking the time to post this!
I know I have been bad about blogging...but I will do better!
I cant wait to see you in a month!!!

the organic kitchen said...

He is soooo handsome. How exciting! He needs his own reality show or something! Call the e channel!

The Alvords said...

AAAHHHHH That is sooo awesome! I am so proud of him and am not surprised at all. Your family does produce talented and driven individuals. I just watched the video and he is so cute. It totally made me want to take the classes next time I'm in NYC so I can step it up in the salon. That is what I should have done while we lived there since I had so much free time. Too bad I didn't know about it. Congrats Ammon!

Cardon & Whitney said...

whoa congratulations to him - that is HUGE!!! (and this is whitney, not cardon by the way :) hopefully we'll get to meet sometime) That is just awesome and I had to say something...

Keef and Brit said...

So regardless of the fact that I have only met your brother like 2 times, I still get super excited every time I see him in a magazine! He is amazing! How exciting for him!

Brittany and Johnse said...

That is awesome! Me and my husband used to do hair together and I loved it!! I think that talented male hairdressers can go SO far!! I wish my hubby was still doing it!!

Isn't it so nice though having someone in the fam to do your hair? And you have courtney and your brother! Lucky girl!

(ha ha...this is Lori's daughter by the way not some crazy stalker)

Jess and Jason Apperson said...

Wow, that is so awesome! I knew your brother was a stylist, but I had NO clue how fabulous he was! I bet you are so proud of him. Congrats!

Jami Holmquist said...

Omg I think your brother is fabulous and soooo cute! Wow I am so happy for him and his success! If he ever needs a makeup artist tell to call!

Jana Neser said...

Hi Mari! We've never met, but I went to high school with Chris. I found your blog through blog hopping :) I also do hair (I went to beauty school with Courtney) and I just realized when I saw your post that I took a matrix cutting class from your brother when I lived in Hawaii about 5 years ago! It was an awesome class--I remember being really impressed with his skill. Glad to see you and Chris are doing so well!
xoxo Jana (Wiggins) Neser

PS My husband and I live in Huntington Beach--where are you guys going to live when you move to Orange County?