Sunday, February 26, 2012

Start off 2012 Right!

 I think it's safe to say that January can be summed up with the following words:
Juicing, Clothing, Working, Running, Sunsets, Beach, Friends, and Food.

We started juicing & making green smoothies and LOVE it. I finished Physical Therapy (what!) and was cleared to start running (eek!). Chris started running (double eeek what!) once or twice a week with me. We both work way too much, but Feb has been way worse than January as far as that goes. We obviously eat a LOT and I obviously like clothing a LOT. We also started and are now caught up with the series 'Downton Abbey' (loooooove!), bought airfare for Hawaii in May, and bought sweet new iPhone covers--Like I said, we know how to start the year off right!


Audrey Crisp said...

Way to be so healthy and fashionable! I suck the worst at being healthy! I'm getting so fat. Ugh...

Care said...

random reader... but WHERE did you get those amazing black booties?! they are amazing!!

Care said...

Random reader here. :) Where did you get those awesome black booties above? They are amazing!!!